Friday, June 3, 2016


This is mainly an instrument to further the goal of writing for the sake of writing. Yes, I've got clients who pay me to write; I've got a nice therapist lady I pay to write to; I've got media platforms I write on; I've got books and other projects I write at.

But really none of those things allow me to write a paragraph like the one above.

So there's really not going to be any rhyme or reason to this little blog. There's really no reason to follow it. There's no theme. There's no guiding idea. It's just words for the sake of words as they come so that I can say (with some amount of pride in my accomplishment) "Yeah, I write (at least) every (other) day (or so)," and get into the habit of doing it.

Writing is one of those things where the more you do it the better you get at it. Particularly if your focus is more intently on expressing thoughts and communicating ideas than grammatical perfection or all the literary hang-ups that tend to irritate would-be Jack Kerouacs.

Note that there will be no effort particular paid to try to promote this blog. It serves no purpose other than one word after another after another about whatever topic occurs to me when I open up a new post.

So it's a 100% pure blog as they were designed to be.

If by chance you come across this blog and like it, great. Follow it. Or don't. It's kind of just me writing into the ether while at the same time addressing it to a nebulous "you."

So there's the mission & vision statement. Probably time for another cartoonishly oversized cup of coffee and some constructive work for the day.

I don't know how many words this comes out to-- that would probably be a good thing to track or at least make vague attempts at tracking. I know for a fact I can get into the thousands on most any subject without a whole lot of effort. Let's see... Ha ha, as of those ellipses this post wasn't even at 400 words. Well, it wouldn't and probably shouldn't be. It serves no purpose other than "Day One."

Alright. Well, away we go.

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